Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dirty ears? Clean it up a bit!

Dutchess has developed mild allergies this year which causes her to get a little sneezy at times. Lately it's effected her ears. Over the past two weeks she's had a lot of dirty wax build up, making for some pretty itchy puppy ears! Up until now I've only had to use a wet washcloth to clean her ears but that just wasn't cutting it anymore. So to give her some relief until her Vet appointment later this week I picked up some Ear Cleanser at the Pet Store.I figured I'd just sneak this new little chore into the nightly wrinkle cleaning routine!

So, at bedtime I started with all the typical face cleaning stuff that she was used to and she was relatively agreeable. She only tried to take the washcloth a few times! And then came time for the ears! I started with the left ear because the right ear seems worse and I've noticed has more build up than the left. So I figured I'd go in slowly. She wasn't real pleased with me but she stayed put and let me do my thing.

And then we went to the right ear. I no sooner squirted the solution into her ear and she was up like a shot! She ran about 10 circles around the bed, tried to bury her head under my pillows, and shook - all the while spraying the ear cleanser all over the bed and me! I managed to get a hold of her so that I could at least massage the ear to work in the cleanser and wipe out the excess and wax build up but then she was gone.

Sad to say, I got the cold shoulder for the remainder of the evening. She refused to come back to bed and chose to sleep in the hallway for the night!

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