Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Separation Anxiety

We were extremely lucky with Dutchess, she adjusted to crate training very well! Although she's always slept in our bed since she was a puppy, she's crate bound during the day while we are at work. She will normally go in without any fight, knowing full well that there will be a treat awaiting. (And, yes, you read correctly, 60 lb Bulldog + 2 adults and new puppy= very full bed!)

We are not having such luck with our boy Winston. He despises the crate. Although very excited about the treat, he's no fool and wants out immediately after scarfing them down into his little belly! So needless to say it's drop and run when it's exit time! We've tried everything we did with Dutch with no luck. His crate is fully equipped with "his" blanket and a chew toy. We've encouraged him to go in and out as he pleases when we are home so that he gets used to the idea and it becomes "his" place. It's in the living room, a place where he feels comfortable. Dutchess is in a separate crate but in sight, so he doesn't feel completely alone. I've tried everything I know how to try!
I'm lucky enough to work close enough that I can come home over my lunch break to let the beasts out for a potty break and some stretching and mid-day play time. As soon as the key hits the door the ruckus ensues. The crates are a'rattling, there's barking and whimpering. Dutchess greets me with her normal enthusiasm. Some butt wiggling, kisses, and then makes a quick chase to the closest tennis ball or nylabone. Winston on the other hand wants picked up immediately and does not stray but 2 feet from under my feet! And he makes this high pitched squealing sound - he sounds more like a cooing pigeon than a dog.... It's insane - you would think he's been left alone for days not a few hours! And this scene repeats itself a few short hours later when my husband or I come home for the day! It's comical but quite pitiful all at the same time!

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