Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Morning

This sunny Sunday morning started out just as every Sunday morning should - with hot coffee and pancakes! Well, hot coffee for my husband and I, hot chocolate for Bradley! And of course NO coffee for the bullies. They did, however, share a pancake with a smear of peanut butter. Oh, how they love their peanut butter!

After everyone was stuffed with warm syrupy goodness and the morning mess was cleaned up I decided to take Dutchess on a quick walk to the end of the block for a paper. I would have loved to take both dogs but Winston has NOT learned leash manners well enough for me to be able to handle both bullies at one time on my own! I felt a horrible amount of guilt getting Dutchess all harnessed with Winston prancing beside me the entire time. This guilt only magnified by about 100x's when Dutch and I went on our way and I could hear Winston's crying from inside the house! Ugh, he's such a needy boy and has a heart wrenching whine!

How can you resist those puppy dog eyes?!

Now, I will say, Dutchess didn't seem bothered a bit about leaving baby brother crying behind and having some one on one girl time! She was in all her glory trotting to the corner paper stand. She had did her ritual sniff of every tree in passing and paused to greet a Black Lab doing laps along his fence line.

Does this face say "Care Free" to you?

I, of course, promptly took Winston on his own walk around the block when Dutch and I returned. And this walk only reinforced his need for leash training! As opposed to Dutchess's wiggly-butt, little trot - Winston would prefer to full out run the entire time! We made it around the block...but my arm was seriously wrenched from trying to keep him from pulling me around the block! Needless to say, leash training is definitely on the agenda for this week for me and little Winston!

Maybe this approach will work better:)

All is Well that Ends Well - Puppy Naps all around!
Let the snoring begin!

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